I always love learning new tips to make my life easier living with a mini pig. I still do a lot of research and learning things as I go along. I love when people say " you have a pig as a pet" and look at me like I have this 200 lb pig running around my house. If you look at the scenario people have dogs that drool, make messes in the house and love to chew such things like furniture. 
Yes I can say pigs do such things in the beginning but I think pigs are like children that need to always keep busy all the time. Pigs do make very good pets, you need to make sure you are ready to handle a commitment that take time to adjust and patients is the key. Pigs are a lot smarter than other other animals and always looking to please their owners. Pigs are very thick headed as well. I now had to put locks on my cupboards and refrigerator. He would go in my cabinets and take all my Tupperware out and leave it on the floor, and open the frige door and go into the draws and steal his greens. 
